Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator: Find the percentage difference between two values

What is
% of

is what % of

% of what?

Percentage Calculator

With the help of this Percentage Calculator, you can quickly determine questions like what is X percent of Y?, or X is what percent of Y?, or X is Y percent of what?. These questions seem confusing, but our easy-to-grab tool will solve them for you in moments.

What is this tool all about?

Percentages are everywhere. Whenever we visit a mall, numerous signs read "discount!" with a huge percentage symbol. The percentages regularly show up in several other fields, such as finance, where we use them to calculate the amount of income tax or sales tax. In all such cases, questions like what percent of X is Y arise, and our online tool will help you figure out those in a blink of an eye. 

Our Percentage Calculator is perfect for simple and complex percentage calculations that may be difficult to do on a normal calculator, or you'll have to perform multiple steps to get the desired value. The tool is straightforward to use. All you need to do is enter the value in two fields, and after you click calculate, the answer you require will automatically fill in the third field.

How to use the Percentage Calculator tool?

You can easily launch our Percentage Calculator directly from our home page under the Calculator section. It can help you figure out complex percentage questions that are difficult to solve, even with a scientific calculator. 

When you open our Percentage Calculator's webpage, you'll see a lot of boxes and confusing statements with blanks to fill. Just sit back and relax. This guide will help you out. Upon noticing, you'll realize there are three rows, with each row having three fields making up some statement. These three rows correspond to the three questions to be figured out: what is X percent of Y?X is what percent of Y?, and X is Y percent of what?. All three questions have two input fields and one output field. Right most box will output the final answer in each row. Depending upon your case, follow the instructions below to do your percentage calculation:

What is X percent of Y?

  1. If you have a question like: what is 10% of 50?, or a similar question with different values, then you need to focus on the top row.
  2. Fill in the first value i.e. X in the left box, and the second value i.e. Y in the middle box of the top row.
  3. Then click on the Calculate button of the top row. Your answer, for instance 5, will be displayed in the right box of the top row.
  4. If you want to solve it again with different values, you can change them by using the up and down arrows at the right side of each box. Upward arrow will increase the value by unity, and the downward arrow will decrease it by unity. You can also change the value by deleting the previously written value and then re-entering the new value. Then you can perform the steps from a to c again to re-evaluate the same question with new values.

X is what percent of Y?

  1. If you have a question like: 5 is what % of 50?, or a similar question with different values, then you need to focus on the middle row.
  2. Fill in the first value i.e. X in the left box, and the second value i.e. Y in the middle box of the middle row.
  3. Then click on the Calculate button of the middle row. Your answer, for instance 10, will be displayed in the right box of the middle row.
  4. If you want to solve it again with some different values, you can change the values by using the up and down arrows at the right side of each box. Upward arrow will increase the value by unity, and the downward arrow will decrease it by unity. You can also change the value by deleting the previously written value and then re-entering the new value. Then you can perform the steps from a to c again to re-evaluate the same question with new values.

X is Y percent of what?

  1. If you have a question like: 5 is 10% of what?, or a similar question with different values, then you need to focus on the bottom row.
  2. Fill in the first value i.e. X in the left box, and the second value i.e. Y in the middle box of the bottom row.
  3. Then click on the Calculate button of the bottom row. Your answer, for instance 50, will be displayed in the right box of the bottom row.
  4. If you want to solve it again with some different values, you can change the values by using the up and down arrows at the right side of each box. Upward arrow will increase the value by unity, and the downward arrow will decrease it by unity. You can also change the value by deleting the previously written value and then re-entering the new value. Then you can perform the steps from a to c again to re-evaluate the same question with new values.

Interpretation of Answers?

Since the percentage questions seem confusing, it is important that we interpret the answers for you. For instance, we find out the answer to what is 20% of 50 as 10. This means we are trying to find out 1/5th part of 50, which is 10. Now, from where do we come to know, it's 1/5th part? Another interpretation for 20% is 1/5, because 100 is five times 20.

If we find out the answer to 10 is what % of 50. We get the answer as 20. Which is found by finding 10/50 of 100 i.e. 1/5th part of 100. 

Similarly, if we find out the answer to 10 is 20% of what. We get the answer as 50. Which is found by finding 10/20 of 100 i.e. 1/2 part of 100. 


Here are some common questions that you may have about our Percentage Calculator.

How do you calculate the percentage?

Percentage can be calculated by dividing the value by the total value, and then multiplying the result by 100. The formula used for this is: (value/total value)×100%.

How to find the answer of what is 10% of 50?

You can calculate the answer by : (10/100) * 50 = 5

How to find the answer of 5 is what % of 50?

You can calculate the answer by : (5/50) * 100 = 10%

How to find the answer of 5 is 10% of what?

You can calculate the answer by : (5/10) * 100 = 50

Is Percentile the same thing as Percentage?

No, they don't mean the same thing. Percentage refers to a figure out of 100. For instance, 80% means 80 per 100. On the other hand, percentile refers to a percentage of values found above a specified value. For instance, 80th percentile in a test means that the person who took the test scored better than 80% of people who have taken the test.

Why should you use our tool?

Our Percentage Calculator tool has been created to make your life easier. In a matter of milliseconds, our tool will figure out the answers for your confusing percentage questions. Not only this, but our tool is absolutely free and does not demand creating an account. We have also covered your possible questions regarding the tool, so you get complete guidance related to the tool.

Amir Iqbal

CEO / Co-Founder

An entrepreneur working in various sectors, mainly the web technology niche, enjoys the little things in life. When people give up, they often don't realize how close they were to success.