Image Resizer
The Simple Image Resizer is a free online picture resizer

Resize Image
You downloaded a lovely wallpaper for your mobile or computer screen but it's not the right size for your screen, so you need to figure out a way to resize it to fit your needs. The simplest way to do this is with the help of our Image Resizer tool.
All you need to know about our tool:
Our Image resizer is your go-to tool for all kinds of image resizing and other useful manipulations as well. Along with the vast range of aspect ratios in image resizing, our tool also provides flipping and rotating images within the same tool. Therefore enhancing its usability for our customers, and saving time by not needing to go to other tools for basic operations like flip and rotate.
How to use the Image Resizer tool?
You can easily launch our Image Resizer tool directly from our home page under the Image Editing Tools section. This guide is divided into sub-parts. We will provide brief instructions and information on all parts.
Image File Insertion:
Image Resizer tool provides two options for image file insertion. The first option is:
From Personal Computer:
If you have stored your image file on your local computer, follow these instructions to upload it from there.
- Open our Image Resizer's web page. You'll see a dotted box with the text 'Drag and drop an image here'.
- Check the right-hand bottom corner of this box to make sure you've selected the correct uploading option. You've come to the right place if it says Use Remote URL. Otherwise, click on it, and the option will change.
- Select a picture by clicking on the Choose an image
- Your file explorer will open. Choose any JPG, PNG, or another image file that you want to resize, from the directory where your files are stored. To continue, click Open.
- Your file will be shown on the preview box which will be explained briefly in the next
There is an alternative method of uploading your images that is more convenient and easier to follow. To use the drag and drop feature, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the folder's location where you stored your file on your PC.
- Open the tool in your browser and minimize it using the browser's minimize button.
- Drag the file you wish to upload into the dotted box with your mouse.
- Release the mouse button, and your image will appear in the preview box.
Using Remote URL:
Most of the time, the file is saved online, or you've located a photo on a website with a different picture size and, rather than downloading from there, you'd want to get the resized image directly. To do so, follow these steps:
- Make sure you have selected the right file choosing option by going to the right-hand bottom corner of the dotted box. If it reads Upload from Device, you are at the right place. Otherwise, click on it, and the option will change.
- To type in the link, you can either type the whole link, press [Ctrl + V] if you have copied the link before, or simply click on the paste button (Clipboard icon) on the right side of the box.
- Then click on the Add button alongside the box.
Image File Preview:
This is the feature that most editing tools lack as they only inform you if your file is uploaded or not with only the file name shown. Our Image Cropper tool displays the preview of the file the moment you upload the file. This preview helps you analyze your file and verify if the uploaded file is the one you wanted to upload.
After the file is uploaded, go to the options given below that are explained ahead and the image preview will show the exact file you will receive after manipulating it according to your need. This feature lets you analyze your images before you decide to download them. This saves you from the frustrating mistake of uploading or downloading the wrong files.
Flip Horizontally:
Flipping horizontally means flipping across the Y-axis. Your image can be flipped horizontally by following these steps:
- Go to the options provided below the Choose an Image button and click on Flip Horizontally.
- Your flipped image preview will appear in the same preview box.
- If you only want to flip your image once, click on the Resize Image Now button below the Resize Image Box with a
- Click on the Download button to download your horizontally flipped image.
Flip Vertically:
Flipping vertically means flipping across the X-axis. Your image can be flipped vertically by following these steps:
- Go to the options provided below the Choose an Image button and click on Flip Vertically.
- Your flipped image preview will appear in the same preview box.
- If you only want to flip your image once, click on the Resize Image Now button below the Resize Image Box with a
- Click on the Download button to download your vertically flipped image.
Rotate Clockwise:
Rotating clockwise means rotating along the center in the direction of the clock's hand movement. To rotate your image in the clockwise direction using our resize image tool, follow these steps:
- Go to the options provided below the Choose an Image button and click on the Clockwise
- Your image preview will change accordingly. Have a look and analyze if it suits your requirements. Sometimes, you have to rotate multiple times to get your desired image. For instance, if your input image is upside down, you'll have to rotate it
- So, rotate the image until it fits your needs. Then click on the Resize Image Now button below the Resize Image Box with a slider.
- Click on the Download button to download your clockwise rotated image.
Rotate Counter-Clockwise:
Rotating Counter-Clockwise means rotating along the center in the direction opposite to that of the clock's hand movement. To rotate your image in the counterclockwise direction using our resize image tool, follow these steps:
- Go to the options provided below the Choose an Image button and click on the Counter Clockwise
- Your image preview will change accordingly. Have a look and analyze if it suits your requirements. Sometimes, you have to rotate multiple times to get your desired image. For instance, if your input image is upside down, you'll have to rotate it
- So, rotate the image until it fits your needs. Then click on the Resize Image Now button below the Resize Image Box with a slider.
- Click on the Download button to download your counter-clockwise rotated image.
Crop Image:
Once you have fixed the orientation of your desired image, then you can crop the image to improve the frame size, divert the viewer's attention to the subject, or modify the aspect ratio. The crop option is next to the Rotate Counter Clockwise button.
From there, you can choose between 2 types of options. One has a fixed aspect ratio. These include 16:9, 4:3, 1:1 and 2:3 options. You can use these as follows:
- Go to the options below the image icon.
- This will open a drag-down menu with different aspect ratios.
- Select the aspect ratio that suits your need and it will automatically set your image to that specific size.
- A box with blue borders is visible on the image that shows the resulting boundary of the image to be cropped. Click and drag any of its corners to adjust the size of the resulting cropped image.
- Then you can click on the portion inside the blue borders to drag the cropping area to some other section of your image as you need.
The second type of option is free-form. Free form means you have the freedom to crop your image according to your needs; you are not bound to follow a certain aspect ratio. To crop your image freely, follow these steps:
- From the drop-down, choose free-form.
- A box with blue borders is visible on the image that shows the resulting boundary of the image to be cropped. Click and drag any of its corners to adjust the size of the resulting cropped image.
- Then you can click on the portion inside the blue borders to drag the cropping area to some other section of your image as you need.
Resize Image:
You can either select the image size by keeping the aspect ratio as the standard or you can vary the size by moving the bar provided in the tool under the Resize Image label. Follow these steps to change your image size to a custom value by moving the bar and selecting from a series of formats.
- Move the bar to the right or left to adjust the size. Initially, it will be in the leftmost position, and the text beneath it will be showing No change! You can drag the slider toward the right, and the text will now show the percentage of Enlargement. It can go up to 500%. You can set it as per your requirement.
- Starting Size value tells you the size of your original picture, the Final Size value tells you the size you will achieve, and you can change this size by moving the bar.
- Save as dropdown menu gives you a bunch of options to save your image in a specific format. The format options available are JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and WEBP.
Then you can click on the Resize Image Now button. To get your resulting image, click on the Download button after that.
Here are some common questions that you may have about our Image resizer tool:
Q: What is the purpose of Image Resizer?
A: Image Resizer lets you resize images by dragging and dropping method or simply uploading them. Our tool also provides flipping and rotating the image options within the same tool as well.
Q: Does resizing an image reduce its quality?
A: Resizing an image to a smaller size will not reduce any quality. But, resizing an image larger than its original dimensions may make it appear a bit fuzzy or pixelated.
Q: Does your image resizer reduce its quality when the image is enlarged?
A: Our tool allows you to resize tiny photographs without sacrificing quality or producing distortion. We have employed highly efficient AI algorithms for image enlargement that produce nearly flawless results
Q: What is the difference between cropping and resizing?
A: Resizing modifies the image's dimensions, which typically influences the file size (and, thereby, image quality). Cropping always involves removing a portion of the original image and discarding some of the pixels.
Q: How can I fix an upside-down image using this tool?
A: Our tool can help you fix your upside-down image by using either of the rotate options available. You'll have to rotate the image twice to make it look normal.
Why should you use this tool?
We have our users in our mind while designing these tools and this is the reason why we have merged many of our helpful tool capabilities into this single tool, so you don't have to perform an extra hustle to get these options from somewhere else. From rotating and flipping your image to cropping and resizing your image and saving it in your preferred format, our Image Resizer tool has provided all the essential tools required for image editing to our users.
The tool is very simple and straightforward. You would be able to use this tool without much help even if you don't have a lot of technical experience. Also, our tool is absolutely free, you don't have to pay anything to use this service. Moreover, it does not demand creating an account. We have also covered your possible questions regarding the tool, so you get complete information related to the tool.