Port Scanner

The port scanner tool helps you identify open ports on your network, enhancing security by detecting potential vulnerabilities. A port is a virtual connection point used to route network information to specific applications on a designated device. Each port is assigned a unique number, with 65,536 ports available for communication between User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports.

For instance, to enable remote desktop on a Windows PC, you'd need port 3389 open and directed to the correct computer. Port numbers are often reserved for specific protocols, like port 25 for SMTP, ensuring standardized port usage and forwarding across networks.

Our online port scanner, also known as an open port scanner or IP port scanner, is a free tool that reveals open ports on a network. It assists in setting up IP security cameras and assessing network security. Port scanners can also be used for network admin tasks and checking other network operations. While hackers may use port scanners to find network vulnerabilities, scanning your own network is legal and essential for identifying weaknesses. To protect your network, ensure you have a strong firewall in place.

How to get your port number

To find your computer's port numbers, which allow access to various sites and servers, follow these steps:

For Windows:

  1. Open the command prompt.
  2. Type 'ipconfig'.
  3. Type 'netstat -a' to see all port numbers.

For Mac:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Navigate to Network.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Select the Port Scan tab.

You can also use our port checker to show you available/open ports on your system.