HEX to Decimal

Convert hexadecimal to decimal from 16-character hexadecimal number to decimal value with hexadecimal to decimal converter.

HEX to Decimal

Convert hexadecimal to decimal from 16-character hexadecimal number to decimal value with hexadecimal to decimal converter.

You may frequently need to convert a Hexadecimal number to its decimal equivalent. It might be very complex doing it manually, as one may get confused about multiplying or dividing by powers of 16. Don't worry, our Hex to Decimal converter will do confusing conversions in a blink of an eye.

All you need to know about this tool:

Since computers cannot understand human languages, different number systems, such as binary (base-2), octal (base-8), decimal (base-10), and hexadecimal (base-10), are utilized by computer programmers to convey commands and instructions to computers. Decimal numbers are better understood by humans, as compared to hexadecimal, binary and octal numbers.

Converting a number from hexadecimal system to decimal system is a very cumbersome process and can be very confusing at times because we don't remember when to multiply and when to divide by powers of 16. Our tool solves this problem, as it allows you to enter any hexadecimal number and converts it to decimal without any hassle. It not only helps in avoiding mathematics but also saves time and gives instant results.

How to use our HEX to Decimal Converter?

You can easily launch our 'HEX to Decimal Converter' directly from our home page under the Binary Converter Tools section. You no longer need to perform any complex calculations manually to convert the numbers from hexadecimal to decimal, because our tool will do it for you instantly. We aim to make our user's experience as convenient as we can. HEX to Decimal Converter, like the rest of our tools, is incredibly simple to use. You can use our tool without much help even if you don't have a lot of technical experience. We don't want you to spend any time understanding the tool and that's how we designed our interface.

Initially, you can get to know the tool by using the sample values for conversion. It can be done as:

Using the Sample Value:

Before getting into the step-by-step guide, let us make it easy by filling in the sample value.

  1. Open our HEX to Decimal Converter's webpage. You'll see a box with light text written in it as 'Paste your content here…'. Beneath the box, there are three buttons with blue, green, and orange colors, titled 'Calculate', 'Sample', and 'Reset' respectively.
  2. Click on the Sample button. It will fill the box with the sample hexadecimal number FF0000.
  3. Then click on the Calculate button to get the converted decimal value for the sample hex number.

Using your Actual value:

Follow up with the instructions provided to convert the number of your choice from base-16 (hex) to base-10 (decimal):

  1. When you open our HEX to Decimal Converter's webpage, you'll see a big box with light text written in it as 'Paste your content here…'. In that box, enter the hexadecimal number that you want to convert to decimal.
  2. Once you have entered the hexadecimal value, next you have to click on the Calculate button. The converted decimal number will appear in the new box beneath the buttons.
  3. You can directly copy it by clicking on the clipboard icon at the top right corner of the lower box.
  4. If you wish to change the hex value and want to convert another value, you can do so by clicking firstly on the Reset button, it will clear all the boxes. Then you can repeat the same procedure to convert some other number.

What can you do using Hexadecimal Conversion?

Upon clicking the Calculate button after providing the input hexadecimal number, the conversion will start and within a few moments, your converted decimal number will be generated. All the digital devices work on 0s and 1s, which correspond to two states: False and True, and are represented by low voltage and high voltage, respectively. In order for computing systems to decode or encode informational data, hexadecimal system is employed to represent it. But hexadecimal numbers consist of alphanumeric values (0-9 and A-F), which humans can't directly comprehend. They can only understand decimal numbers because those are commonly used in our day-to-day life. For instance, measuring quantities like length, area, volume, etc. Our HEX to Decimal Converter is one of the easiest ways to convert hexadecimal data into decimal numbers so you can read and understand it better.


Here are some common questions that you may have about our HEX to Decimal Converter:

Q: Is my Hexadecimal data secure by using your tool?

A: Yes, your data remains secure, as we process it in real-time. We instantly remove your Hex data from our servers after processing it. The data that is entered is not stored or reviewed by us.

Q: How do you convert a hexadecimal number to decimal?

A: Beginning from the right end of the hex number, each digit is multiplied with increasing powers of 16 starting from 0. Do it with each digit and move towards the left until the number ends. Then, the multiplied numbers must be added for the conversion to be complete.

Q: Can this tool also work for negative hexadecimal values?

A: No, this tool does not incorporate negative hexadecimal values. You can just do the conversion and include the initial sign to the final number yourself.

Q: What are HEX files used for?

A: HEX files are often used to load programs and data in the instruction memory ROM or EEPROM of a processor. A HEX file usually has a .hex extension, it has the hexadecimal data that represents the machine code of instructions for any program.

Q: How many bytes are there in HEX numbers?

A: 1 byte is 8 bits, which comprises 2 hex digits. Usually, HEX numbers are written as groups of 8 digits, which means they include 4 bytes or 32 bits of data.

Why should you use our tool?

Our HEX to Decimal converter makes your life so easy. The conventional approach to converting hexadecimal values to decimal numbers is difficult and time-consuming. Great calculation and mathematical skills are required to get accurate results. With a very user-friendly interface, our tool can perform the difficult conversion in a matter of milliseconds. The tool is completely free and does not even require you to register to use it. Moreover, we have also covered all the important questions that can bug your mind. Hence, all the necessary guidance regarding the tool has been provided.

Amir Iqbal

CEO / Co-Founder

An entrepreneur working in various sectors, mainly the web technology niche, enjoys the little things in life. When people give up, they often don't realize how close they were to success.